Giving Back: Oakwood4Hope

BreakThruTV was trilled to contribute to the success of the Oakwood4Hope Celebrity Golf Classic. This charity event, benefiting the Hope2Gether foundation, was made possible by partnering with Oakwood Escrow and BreakThruTV, who provided monetary donations and professionally, quality video marketing.

The Hope2Gether foundation provides drug abuse education and awareness and works in conjunction with federal and civic organizations, schools, and coalitions. They present a united effort to inform and save the lives of our youth through education and awareness. Visit their site here.

Giving Back: Urban Angels

Urban Angels is an enormously successful program aimed at feeding homeless people in San Diego as way to give back to the community. Young, passionate volunteers provide food to over 600 hungry people in the San Diego area 4 days a week.

BreakThruTV and Urban Angels worked together to produce, film, edit and showcase a professional marketing video designed to spread Urban Angel’s message and goals. Our video, and thee exposure it has gained, has helped Urban Angels grow their volunteer base, and acquire important funds to continue their mission. To learn more about Urban Angels, or to volunteer or donate, visit their site here.

Giving Back: Ascension Church Fiesta

BreakThruTV and Ascension Church were grateful for the opportunity to showcase the Annual Ascension Church Fiesta. Each year, Ascension Catholic church gathers thousands of volunteers to cook, sell, donate white elephant goods, and provide talent for their fun filled, family-oriented Fiesta. The church takes all of the raised funds and pours them back into the community.

Tri Cole, founder of BreakThruTV and BreakThru Media, shot and produced a professional marketing video for Ascension Catholic Church that captured the joyous, giving atmosphere, and has helped to spread the word about this wonderful yearly event. Learn more about Ascension Catholic Church and their annual Fiesta here.

Giving Back: Passion4Kids

In October 2010, Izaiah Wallis was paralyzed from the chest down after a drunk teen driver struck his stroller. His young parents have worked hard to give Izaiah a normal life, but they had no way to transport young Izaiah to hospital visits. Passion4Kids stepped in, and secured a wheelchair-accessible van donation from Head North Spinal Cord Foundation. This donation allows Izaiah’s family to bring him to doctors’ appointments, but also helps bring him anywhere outside of the house.

BreakThruTV are proud to support the efforts of Passion4Kids and the necessary work that they do to help kids and parents in desperate situations. Tri Cole of BreakThruTV created this wonderfully powerful video that captures hope for Izaiah’s future and the necessary role that Passion4Kids plays. Visit Passion4Kids here.

Giving Back: The Art of Living

The Art of Living Foundation is one of the world’s largest, volunteer-based, humanitarian and educational nonprofit. It was founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who is committed to the celebration of life, the resolution of conflict, and bringing people all around the world together in an effort to move towards peace. In 2011, The Art of Living LA put on a major event to spread their message of vitality, and living with purpose. Thousands gathered to learn and celebrate, and listen to Sri Sri speak.

BreakThruTVs engaging video helped to further spread The Art of Living’s ideas and goals. Our professional, high quality messaging created an important marketing tool for this non-profit organization. To learn more about the Art of Living and the work they do, click here.